Yes, you got it, there's reflections in all the abstracts -- this one is "Going Outa Town". 24" x 20". $250
Built-in Luminescence. 18" x 14". $95
Reflections Tall. 4' x 2'. Fabulous beauty. $690 plus shipping.
Water always Wins. 11" x 14". $75. I think a big one would be great as a commission...
Reflections Mini. I love this little guy, 11" x 14". $95
Blue-Silver. 11" x 14". $75. All paintings are on archival quality canvas, acrylic paint.
If you want a larger painting of any of these 11" x 14" ones, just email me and I can paint them.
Please note that as of April 2015 I have changed my signature for the Abstract Reflectionist paintings and my name is KDid on those.
Tigers of Contentment. 16" x 20", acrylic painting on gallery canvas, $195.
Dancing Trees, 18" x 24" acrylic painting on canvas, SOLD.
Dynamic Sun, 24" X 18" acrylic painting on canvas, $95 unframed, will need a frame.
Buy now, call 818 720 0842 or email at We are Family, acrylic on gallery canvas, 20" x 16", no frame needed, $125
Well that was the Abstract Reflectionism paintings with fantasy too. There's more KatyDid paintings you have not seen yet, so please go to your next page which is the
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